In "greywax 140" six dancers and a musician express interpersonal relationships and conflicts through movement, text and sound while trying to find a way to deal with the complexity of a present full of contradictions. They explore how to deal with everyday bullshit and disagreements while remaining grounded in reality. They explore their freedom, while it lies for the taking. In this way, text and dance blend more and more into a wild and physical dance theater storm. Social phenomena such as superficiality, hypocrisy, hysteria and the inability meet each other in honesty and authenticity.
Greywax 140
by Victor Rottier

Inszenierung/Choreografie: Victor Rottier.
Tanz: Angela Demattè, Egon Gerber, Melissa Kieffer,
Aline Perino, Niki Anjes Stalder, Juan Tirado.
Musik: Martin Waespe.
Kostüme: Luisa Later.
Bühnenbild: Anan Striker.
Grafik: Jimmie Balster
Lichtdesign: Pascal Pompe.
Produktionsleitung: Niki Anjes Stalder.
Produktionsassistenz: Melissa Kieffer, Victor Rottier.